With the ongoing pandemic, working from home has become the norm for many parents. Many governments are also encouraging their citizens to work remotely.
However, before the onset of the pandemic, a large number of Americans were already working remotely. According to statistics, around 4.3 million US citizens work from home and are used to navigating the work from home and parenting balance.
But, for the many who are new to remote working, there has been a steep learning curve and a lot of adjustment. Balancing working from home and parenting can be quite a hustle.
Before you get overwhelmed, we’ll give you some tips and tricks to help you overcome the challenges when working remotely. So let’s get started.
1.Have a plan
You’ll need to have a well-thought plan to help you work from home. Remember you’ll be working and taking care of your kids, doing house chores, and many other tasks. All these tasks are demanding, especially if you are a single parent or have many children.
To start with, line up your day in advance. Calculate the hours you need to work. It is best to start your day very early in the morning when your kids are still asleep or later at night after you put them to bed.
When scheduling your daily activities, remember that everything has changed. Do not try to mimic your workplace timetable.
Once you have a plan, communicate it to your children and everyone else in the household. Let them know when you’re working so that they do not cause interruptions during working times.
2. Talk to your boss and workmates
You’ll need to get everyone on the same page about everything that will be happening. One thing for sure, things will be different. You’ll be lucky if you have an understanding boss. Take a minute to talk to your boss about the changes.
Explain to them how you’ll be working at the same time taking care of your kids. If your work requires coordination with other teammates, make sure your schedule is in line with theirs. Everyone at your workplace should know what to expect from you. This way, you won’t be under pressure from your boss or workmates.
Note: Some bosses may not be willing to give you their ears. In this case, organise for extra help. This can include a babysitter, nanny, swapping childcare with friends and neighbours, or help from family.
3. Set clear boundaries
To be more productive, you’ll need to have some boundaries and restrictions. If you have a bigger house with many rooms, make one your home office. Remember, your productivity will depend on your work environment.
If you don’t have the extra space to create a home office, identify a suitable area in your bedroom, sitting room, or kitchen. Choose a place with minimal disruptions. If possible, separate your home office with a curtain.
4. Keep your kids distracted
A little entertainment for your kids will give you some extra hours to do your job peacefully. It’s a simple trick that requires a little investment.
For toddlers, get some dolls and toys to keep them distracted. Suggest some games activities for your young ones to keep them entertained while you work.
Arrange for movie viewings during your work time. If the weather allows, and if you have a big compound, set up a play area outside for older kids. Playgrounds will not only distract your kids from interrupting you but also offer some social, mental, emotional, and physical benefits to your young ones.
You can also dedicate a small space around your home office for your kids. Make the spot kid-friendly to keep the children busy. The place should also be safe from slip and fall accidents. With this, you’ll be working as well as keeping an eye on your young ones. It will be hard for toddlers to stay away from you for long hours.
Change these activities regularly because your young ones will get bored doing the same thing over and over again.
5. Have short breaks
You’re not in a real office. You have control of the time you need to work. And with the kids around, you’ll need to spend some time with them. You won’t spend your whole day locked up in your home office, even if you have someone taking care of your kids.
Take short breaks, perhaps a few minutes or a couple of hours, to check on your young ones. Set the alarm to remind you that you need to take a break. You know how time flies when you are busy.
Short breaks will not only help you manage your kids but also boost your productivity. Breaks boost brain function, increasing your creativity and improving your memory. It is also during this time that you’ll be taking your meals, settling your house, or enjoying your hobbies.
6. Seek help
If you have a spouse and both of you are working from home, you can create shifts. If one of you works from morning to midday, the other person can take care of the kids during this time and start working in the afternoon. Older kids can help you take care of your younger ones while you get some few hours of work.
If you’re a single parent and your kids are quite young, you might consider asking help from your family members. If not, hire a caregiver to take care of your young ones while you work. Whichever options you choose, you’ll still have an active role to play in taking care of your children.
7. Be ready to adjust your schedule
When working remotely, be ready for anything. Everything will not always go according to your plan. At some point, you’ll need to adjust your schedule to cope. While it may be best to stick to your schedule, don’t be rigid.
While drafting your plan, make it more flexible. Plan for any interruptions that might come your way while working.
Bottom Line
Working from home can be more challenging with your young ones around. However, your productivity depends on how well you schedule your daily activities. A well-thought plan will help you strike a balance between work life and family life. Keep your boss and workmates in the loop and setup a dedicated workplace. Keep your young ones distracted to get more work times and to minimize distractions. Seek help from your spouse, family, or even friends to help you look after the kids while you work. And that’s how you’ll make it working remotely.
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