Back to school is approaching quickly and if you have just had a baby, things are about to get a little more hectic in the mornings while getting big brother ready for school. Luckily, since this is your second go-around you’ll have a little bit of muscle memory to help with your newborn. If this is your eldest’s first time back to school with a younger sibling, he’ll need to get adjusted to some things too. Here are some tips to help you both transition to smoother mornings when getting ready for school.

Find a schedule

Since it takes newborns quite some time to figure out their own schedules between feedings, nap times, and bedtimes, give yourself some grace. It may be hard to feel energized in the morning when the alarm goes off after being up all night with your newborn during midnight feedings but know that it’s temporary. Once your baby gets into a daily routine it will be easier on the three of you. To help baby figure out their schedule, it’s best to be strict during bedtimes for both siblings. For example, by sticking to specific bedtimes it will be easier for everyone to get adjusted to a new routine. To make it easier on yourself, you may want to put one down before the other. Don’t try to do both at the same time or it will just stress you out. Use bath time at night to help soothe and wind both siblings down. Reading a book in bed also helps kid’s get sleepy.

Helpful baby gadgets

One thing parents with two or more kids can agree on is that they wish they had an extra set of hands to tend to all of their kids’ needs. Because of this, look for baby items that will help you keep baby in eyesight while you spend time tending to the oldest. Items such as a baby carrier will allow you to keep baby securely on your chest while you help big brother get dresses and teeth brushed in the mornings or walk to school together. A Baby Bjorn bouncer will keep baby safe and secured while you give big brother a bath. Even a hands-free breast pump will also help while you make lunch or if you are trying to get yourself ready while brushing your teeth, doing makeup, or enjoying a cup of coffee before the entire house wakes up. Multi-tasking will definitely be your new norm and mastering will come faster than you think.

Take advantage of downtimes

While the kids are asleep, this may be a great opportunity to make lunch the night before, get backpacks ready and loaded in the car, and lay out outfits for school and work in the morning. You can also use downtime to practice a little self-care. Since life can get pretty hectic in the mornings taking the time at night to take a relaxing bath, catch up on your favorite show, or read a few pages of your favorite book or magazine can really help boost your energy levels. With all of the chaos that comes with each day, be sure to do at least one thing for yourself whenever you get a little free time. If you have a partner or spouse that can help relieve some of the chores, allow them to help you. Whether it’s housework or spending time with the kids.

It may seem overwhelming at first but practice makes perfect and in time you’ll be able to do the rest of the school year with your eyes closed.

You can also grab a copy of our very own Self-Esteem and Confidence Journal for kids and complete a few pages each day.

Self-Esteem and Confidence Journal for Kids
Self-Esteem and Confidence Journal for Kids



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