Being a mother is the most beautiful experience. Motherhood is full of joys and struggles. You not only face hardships during pregnancy, delivery, or raising your child. The after pregnancy effects to your body also stresses you out.

After your pregnancy, you will realize that you have gained a lot of weight. Your belly is not the same anymore. The best solution to get back into your shape is the mummy tummy challenges.

While taking care of your little angel you should take out some time for your own self. Keep yourself motivated toward your goal. After pregnancy, many women accept the mummy tummy challenge but only those who remain consistent, get rid of belly fat.

If you have questions like what happens to existing belly fat when pregnant, how to get rid of mummy tummy, or how to get rid of mummy tummy after C-section then this article is for you. Here, we will tell you the 6 best exercises for the mummy tummy challenges.

What happens to existing belly fat when pregnant?

If you are overweight according to your BMI and worried about what happens to existing Belly fat when pregnant then don’t stress out. The belly fat remains in your stomach but alters its position to make space for your growing fetus. Women who are overweight have slightly round baby bumps. The fat moves on both sides of the stomach giving space to the growing baby.

How to get a flat belly back after pregnancy.

It is not much hard to get your before-pregnancy body back. If you’re wondering how to get rid of a mummy tummy then the only answer is exercise. Following a regular workout routine after pregnancy not only helps in reducing belly fat but also keeps you away from postpartum depression.

In this article, we will discuss some of the exercises which you can easily do after your pregnancy to reduce mummy tummy. But remember that every pregnancy is different. Therefore, before following an exercise routine consult your doctor.

6 Exercise for Mummy tummy and how to do it

Following are the top 6 exercises that you must be doing to get rid of after pregnancy belly fat.

  • Walk

It is among the easiest workouts you can perform soon after pregnancy. Although most people do not consider it a workout but it is the best way to start your fitness goal soon after delivering a baby.

Start a gentle walk for 10 to 15 minutes. Once your body gets used to it, you can do a power walk for 30 minutes to an hour.

  • Kegel

Kegel exercise helps in strengthening your bladder muscles and solving incontinence issues after childbirth. Start doing this exercise while using the bathroom. Hold on to your muscles tight to temporarily stop urination. Do it 10 times per session and 3 times a day.

  • Meditation

It is an amazing exercise that you can perform even an hour after giving birth. Taking a deep breath while contracting your abdomen helps in strengthening your belly muscles. Just sit straight and start breathing deeply.

  • Single leg raise

Single leg raise strengthens your abdominal muscles and burns belly fat. For this exercise lay on the floor on your back. Bend your one knee and place the foot on the floor. Raise your other Leg straight and hold for 30 seconds.

  • Plank

Planks are the best exercise to burn belly fat and strengthen your abdomen muscles. However, you can perform this exercise a few weeks post-delivery. Initially try to hold for a few seconds and with time you can increase the plank holding time.

  • Kneeling pelvic tilt

It is the best exercise to tone up your stomach muscles. It relieves back pain. This exercise is also helpful in relieving pelvic bone pain which is a common issue after giving birth.

Your toes should be touching the ground as well as your palms. Your back should be straight and relaxed When you inhale pull your buttocks forward and your pubic bone upward. Hold for a count of three and relax.

Final words

Getting rid of mummy tummy seems to be a stressful task for new mommies. But actually, it is not much difficult if you are consistent and dedicated to your goals.





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