Recognising your emotions and learning to manage them is one of the most important skills you can have. In fact, kids who are good at noticing how they feel and can calm themselves down or adjust their behaviour are more likely to do well in life and manage difficulties and setbacks.

Having the skills to reflect on their feelings and realise they are in control of how they feel will have a massive impact on their life. Teaching your child, the correct strategies to take control of their feelings will help them navigate their way through tough situations and handle them in a more calm, purposeful way.

This resource will help children learn how to manage their feelings and use calming strategies independently.

How to use this product

  • Cut out the feeling cards and strategy cards.
  • Laminate the cards and poster and use Velcro dots for reuse

Step 1: Identify how you are feeling. Pick a feeling card and add onto the poster

Step 2: Choose a strategy card to help you be in charge of your feelings

Step 3: See if the strategy worked and if you are back in charge of your feelings. Are you feeling better?

Step 4: If the strategy chosen hasn’t worked try something else. You can go back and choose another strategy card or retry the same strategy. If the strategy did work you can go back to the task you were doing or start something new.


What is included

  • 1 Calm down process poster
  • 12 Feeling Cards
  • 12 Calming Strategy Cards
  • A4 size printable
  • Digital version-PDF



  • Good to teach self regulation

    As a teacher I use these to teach self regulation to my students. It’s simple, easy to use. I also love the fact that with the valcro dots these can be reused easily

  • Really helped my daughter to learn calming techniques

    I bought this for my daughter (aged 8 years) as I wanted her to learn a simple method/technique to follow when she gets angry/upset. This resource was excellent, as it was easy to follow for a kid.

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