As a lifelong high achiever, a coach for high achievers, and now a parent to high achievers, I’ve come to understand the unique challenges and needs of children who naturally excel in academic and extracurricular pursuits. These children stand out for their remarkable self-motivation, organization, and consistent performance – they are the ones diligently turning in assignments on time, scoring high grades, and are often perceived as the ‘perfect’ kids.

However, this pursuit of excellence can come with its own set of challenges. High achievers often grapple with perfectionism, people-pleasing, and overthinking, frequently suffering in silence. They can easily become entrapped in societal molds, losing sight of their authentic selves and, crucially, forgetting to have fun.

Drawing on my personal journey and professional experience, here are my six key strategies for parents to nurture high achievers, ensuring they grow not just in competence, but also in happiness and health.

1. Encourage activities beyond academics

For high achievers, the emphasis on balanced development is crucial. These children, often focused intently on academic success, can inadvertently neglect their personal growth and the importance of forging meaningful relationships. It’s vital to encourage activities beyond academics, such as sports, arts, or community service. These pursuits not only foster personal growth and empathy but also teach valuable life skills like teamwork and resilience.

In particular, community service can be profoundly impactful, exposing high achievers to diverse perspectives and instilling a sense of social responsibility and the importance of community and connection. These experiences broaden their understanding of the world and the role they can play in it. As parents, guiding your high-achieving child to balance their academic pursuits with these enriching activities is key to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are prepared for both personal and professional success.

2. Valuing Emotional Intelligence Alongside Performance

High achievers are often innately driven to excel, whether in academics, sports, or any chosen activity. This drive to master and perfect their skills is a defining characteristic, as they are naturally inclined towards high academic performance and intellectual pursuits. However, this singular focus on intellectual pursuits and tangible achievements can overshadow the equally crucial aspect of emotional intelligence.

Developing emotional intelligence is pivotal for high achieving children, especially as they tend to be their own harshest critics and may suffer in silence. Childhood is the opportune time for parents to guide them in understanding and managing their emotions, building resilience, and adopting self-care practices. Engaging in regular, open conversations about feelings, challenges, and coping strategies is essential. These discussions can help high achievers navigate their complex inner worlds, making them less prone to depression and anxiety. Emotional intelligence skills are lifelong assets, especially for high achievers who often face intense scrutiny and high expectations. By balancing academic and performance-focused pursuits with emotional learning, high achievers can grow into well-adjusted individuals equipped to handle the myriad challenges life presents.

3. Fostering Individual Passions and Purpose in High Achievers

Supporting a child’s unique passions and purposes is crucial, particularly for high achievers. Often, these children have a wide array of opportunities open to them, making it tempting for parents to steer them towards traditionally prestigious, high-earning careers like medicine, law, or engineering. However, this approach can inadvertently project our unfulfilled aspirations or definitions of success onto them, rather than nurturing their individual interests and aspirations.

It’s essential to give high-achieving children the space to explore and align with their true calling, even if it veers off the conventional path. Encourage them to delve into their interests and engage in open conversations about their career aspirations, focusing on what genuinely excites and motivates them rather than societal prestige or parental notions of security. Such support not only paves the way for their success but also ensures their journey is marked by fulfillment and happiness. When high achievers align their endeavors with their personal passions, they not only excel but also cultivate a deep sense of satisfaction and joy in their achievements.

4. Explore Personalized Techniques for Wellness and Well-being

One of the key aspects of supporting high-achieving children is teaching them wellness and well-being techniques. It’s vital to provide them with a range of tools, such as therapy, mindfulness practices, yoga, journaling, or breathwork, to effectively manage stress and prevent burnout. These practices foster a crucial balance between striving for excellence and maintaining mental health. However, it’s essential to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Our challenges are just as unique as the methods that effectively address them.

The most important factor is to expose high-achieving children to various options, allowing them to discover what resonates with them personally. This process of exploration is valuable in itself, promoting a proactive approach to seeking support and trying new strategies. By introducing them to a spectrum of wellness techniques, we empower them to find their unique pathway to manage stress and nurture their mental well-being, which is just as important as nurturing their academic or professional excellence.

5. Nurture their creativity

Encouraging creativity is fundamental for the growth and development of high achieving children. It serves as a refreshing break from their usual structured, achievement-focused activities. Engaging in creative outlets like painting, music, or innovative problem-solving exercises stimulates their minds in new and exciting ways. Creative endeavors, almost by definition, resist the idea of perfection, and for high achievers who so often focus on “getting it right,” engaging their creative sides also promotes a more resilient, growth mindset. This freedom to explore and experiment is crucial as it fosters a sense of innovation and flexibility, traits that are invaluable in both personal and professional spheres.

For high achievers, creativity is often the missing piece in a life filled with pursuits of excellence. As adults, they may find themselves with little time for creative endeavors or may not prioritize them. Thus, it is essential to instill the importance of creativity from a young age. Encouraging them to set aside time for creative activities can offer a much-needed respite from the relentless chase for accolades. More importantly, it can lead to long-term satisfaction and fulfillment. By nurturing their creative skills and interests, parents can help high-achieving children develop a diversified personality, ensuring that they grow into adults who value and integrate creativity into their lives.

6. Be the Bedrock of Support: Offering Unconditional Love

One of the most meaningful roles a parent can play in the life of a high achiever is to be their bedrock of support, offering unconditional love at every turn. It’s essential to continually remind them that their worth is not solely tied to their achievements or accolades. This unwavering support is the cornerstone of their self-esteem and confidence, both of which are vital for their overall growth and success.

High achievers often face enormous pressure, whether at work, in academic settings, or within their social circles. They are frequently judged, hyper-scrutinized, and may even experience bullying. When they turn to you, it’s important to listen empathetically and refrain from immediately offering opinions or solutions. There will be times when they might call to share their troubles or anxieties. These moments are crucial; they need you to listen, open your arms, and reassure them of their value. Remind them that it’s okay to make mistakes, that they don’t need to be perfect or please everyone. Your role is to be that safe haven where they are reminded that they are loved and valued for who they are, beyond any achievement or failure.


Nurturing a high achieving child means encouraging more than just academic or professional excellence but also supporting their holistic development, ensuring they grow into emotionally intelligent, resilient, and well-rounded individuals. This involves fostering their creativity, teaching them to manage stress effectively, and supporting their passions and individual aspirations. Most importantly, it’s about providing a foundation of unconditional love and support, reminding them that their worth extends far beyond their achievements. As parents and mentors, our goal should be to help high achievers not only succeed in their endeavors but also find joy, fulfillment, and balance in their lives. This comprehensive approach ensures they are equipped not just for success in the traditional sense but for a rich, fulfilling life that aligns with their deepest values and aspirations.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR  – Dr. Esther Zeledon
Dr. Esther Zeledón is a coach for high achievers and founder of @be.act.change, with over 20 years of experience working with thousands of individuals, teams, and communities. Dr. Zeledón is known as the “time guru” and “mindset master” for her expertise in unlocking her clients’ full potential, defining clear next steps, and creating growth mindsets that align with their purpose. As an immigrant woman, she has a unique understanding of the challenges faced by high achievers who have had to overcome systemic social, cultural, and economic barriers. Dr. Zeledón’s work focuses on helping individuals, organizations, and communities discover and live their purpose, navigate obstacles, and thrive with purpose. She has presented at hundreds of events worldwide, inspiring and engaging professionals, leaders, and changemakers to find fulfillment through purpose. Dr. Zeledón offers expertise on discovering purpose and developing a positive mindset for personal and business growth.

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