It can be hard to lose someone and when you become a parent, you often have the fear of losing those you love, particularly those within your close circle of friends and family. We all get one life as far as we know and so making the most of it is probably the best thing you can do with the time we have – how much of it we have is never guaranteed either! While losing a loved one can be tough, there are plenty of ways in which we can celebrate our loved ones once they’ve passed. Here are a few ways to both cherish and honor their memory.
Create a memorial for them
A great way to remember your loved ones is through a memorial of some kind. There are plenty of ways you can immortalize them, whether that be through planting a tree in their name, to creating an expression in their headstone like these ones from
There are a lot of options to choose from when creating a memorial but the most improtant thing is that you’re doing something that feels right for you and perhaps something that you know your loved one would love!
Assemble a memory box to look back on
Assembling a memory box is a great way to look back on your loved one and to have a moment or two every now and again to go through whenever you’re missing them.
While their physical presence might be gone, there are likely plenty of reminders that you’ve kept hold of and that will allow you to remember them by. It’s worthwhile putting this all together so that you have it in a box to make use of as and when you want to look at it.
Light a candle
Lighting a candle is a great way to celebrate your loved ones, and so it’s good to find those opportunities where you can. Whether that’s lighting a candle in a church or lighting one in your home, and thinking of those that have passed.
There’s a symbolism here that goes beyond religion and is a universal way of paying respects and thoughts to your loved ones who aren’t here anymore.
Do something in their honor
If you’re wondering how you could give back to your loved one, why not do something in their honor? Maybe you could run a marathon perhaps? Or it could be volunteering at your local shelter in order to give back in their name?
Being able to do something with them in mind is a great way of paying respect to that loved one, who you’d hope is looking down at those honorable moments.
Share their stories with those around you
Finally, it’s important to ensure their memory lives on through other people. That means sharing stories with those around you, rather than just keeping those memories locked away because they’re perhaps too painful to release.
Time is a great healer but these tips are sure to help celebrate the love you had while they were here.
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