Source: Bui Hue Tam/

Summer is a season of warmth, sunshine, and outdoor fun. But, if you’re pregnant, managing the heat and staying comfortable can be challenging. Whether you’re a first-time mom or adding another bundle of joy to your family, navigating pregnancy during the hot months requires extra care. But keep your cool— we have you covered! With these simple strategies, you can enjoy summer to the fullest while keeping yourself and your little one safe and comfortable.

Rule #1: Stay Hydrated

Hydration is essential for everyone, but it’s especially important when you’re pregnant. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends drinking 8 to 12 cups (64 to 96 ounces) of water daily during pregnancy.

Whether you’re three months pregnant or almost at your due date, water supports your health and your baby’s development. Just a few of the benefits include:

  • Helps digestion and aids in the removal of waste from the body
  • Supports the formation of the amniotic fluid around your baby
  • Helps circulate nutrients throughout your body
  • Helps you avoid dehydration
  • Reduces swelling

Try infusing your water with slices of fresh lemon or berries to make hydration more enjoyable. Carry a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go as a reminder to keep sipping throughout the day.

You can also enjoy snacks like watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges. Stock your kitchen with these water-rich foods that can help you stay hydrated while providing essential vitamins and minerals. And don’t forget about the power of a refreshing smoothie – blend some ice, your favorite fruits, and a splash of coconut water for a delicious and hydrating treat.

Rule #2: Take Precautions To Beat The Heat

When temps rise, finding ways to stay comfortable is essential. Here are some strategies to help you beat the heat:

  • Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing. Choose clothes made from natural fibers like cotton or linen to allow your skin to breathe. Light-colored outfits may help you stay cooler.
  • Stay indoors during peak heat hours. Avoid going outside during the hottest part of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Use cooling fans. Bring your own breeze and carry a handheld fan or a portable misting fan when you’re on the go. Just press a switch when you need fast, refreshing heat relief. There are even mini fans that you can wear draped around your neck for hands-free convenience.
  • Take cool showers or baths. Lower your body temperature and refresh yourself with a cool shower or bath.
  • Buy some cooling towels. Wet, wring out, and wear a cooling towel around your neck or shoulder for instant comfort.
  • Keep gel packs on hand. Reusable gel packs can be chilled and applied to pulse points for a quick cooldown.
  • Stay shady. If you need to venture outdoors for an extended time during peak sun hours, try to stay in the shade. When heading to the beach or pool, bring an umbrella or a pop-up tent to create your personal shaded oasis.

Rule #3: Stay Active While Keeping Safe and Cool

Physical activity during pregnancy is important for your health and your baby’s development. However, intense workouts in the summer heat can be too much. Instead, opt for exercises that keep you moving without overheating. Talk to your doctor about taking up exercises that are typically considered pregnancy-safe, such as:

  • Swimming. Whether you’re four months pregnant and just starting to show or eight months pregnant and feeling the weight, swimming can be a great way to keep cool and get a full-body workout. Plus, the buoyancy of the water can relieve pressure on your joints and provide a feeling of weightlessness.
  • Prenatal yoga classes. Prenatal yoga or stretching exercises can also be done indoors in the air conditioning, helping you stay flexible and relaxed.
  • Walking. Walking early in the morning or later in the evening, when temperatures are usually lower, is another great way to stay active. Just make sure to wear comfortable shoes and bring along some water to stay hydrated.

Rule #4: Remove Your Rings

Your regular clothes may be getting tighter, and so may your jewelry. Fluid retention, increased blood volume, and hormonal changes can cause swelling, which you may notice in your fingers and can be exacerbated by the summer heat. To avoid the discomfort of tight rings, consider removing them for the season. Here are some other ways to manage the swelling and your jewelry options.

  • Wear your rings on a necklace if you still want to keep them close.
  • Temporarily switch your regular ring with a simple, adjustable band.
  • Keep your hands cool to help reduce swelling. Soak your hands in cool water, or use an ice pack wrapped in a towel for a few minutes if you notice them getting puffy.

While swelling is typical in pregnancy, contact your doctor if it is severe, starts suddenly, or is accompanied by other issues such as headaches.

Rule #5: Don’t Forget to Protect Your Skin

Protecting yourself from the sun’s harmful UV rays is a skincare priority, but it’s even more during pregnancy. The hormonal changes can make your skin more sensitive and prone to sunburn, hyperpigmentation, and other issues.

Apply sunscreen. Always apply a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher sunscreen before going outside, and reapply it every two hours or after swimming or sweating. Look for sunscreens free of harmful chemicals and safe for use during pregnancy.

Wear protective clothing. Incorporate a few key—yet fashionable—items to safeguard you from the sun. A wide-brimmed sun hat provides shade for your face, neck, and shoulders. Protect your eyes and the delicate skin around them with UV-blocking sunglasses. And consider clothing, including swimwear, with built-in UV protection.

Breeze Through Summer While Getting Ready for Baby

Your body is undergoing incredible changes as you prepare to welcome your little one into the world. While some of these changes can make the summer heat more uncomfortable, these simple tips can help you stay cool and healthy. Incorporate these strategies and set yourself up for a season filled with joy, fun, and anticipation.


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