Meal Planning

What is “Real Plans”?

As many of us, especially those with kids have experienced, planning meals consistently takes a huge mental toll. Thus, even when we want to plan meals, it is realistically tough to do it as much as we would like. We just do not have the time, and for those who do, they may lack the skills to plan healthy meals every day. Enter Real Plans, a meal-planning app that simplifies life for you and your family, giving you the flexibility to alter meals in real-time: change ingredients to what you have at home or can eat and remove meals you don’t fancy. Real Plans would help you plan, cook and eat homemade whole food with less stress and pandemonium. Additionally, the app provides nutrition information on all available recipes.  

Real Plans – meal planning made easy for the busy moms

Why Meal Planning and Who is it For?

For the increasing number of those who embrace home cooking, meal planning is very important. It helps to plan meals for the week and possibly two weeks ahead, for either yourself or your family. You can plan healthy dishes, snacks, or even just lunches so you can save money on eating out every week.  Meal planning is for everybody, especially those who have very busy schedules, people with food allergies as well as those on a diet such as keto. In addition, whether you are on a GAP, FODMAP, paleo diet, diet planning saves you lots of meal planning headaches, as it allows you to plan ahead of time. This, way, you can save time on thinking about what to cook or eat. If you have kids, then meal planning is critical, especially if you are also working. Sometimes, you get so tired and cannot think about what to cook for dinner or give the kids to take to school for lunch. With meal planning, you already know what is for lunch and dinner all week. This way, you can shop necessary ingredients over the weekend.

Why Meal Planning is Important for Kids

Meal planning may have more benefits than you might think, especially for kids. Here are some ways meal planning is important for kids;

Helps them learn about food

If you have kids, meal planning will bring about a good cycle you have never thought about before. When you plan meals, it means you are more likely to cook at home. If you cook at home, your kids would more likely be watching you cook. They will want to be part of the cooking process. Home cooking provides kids the opportunity to see and learn firsthand how to prepare a healthy meal. They also learn about nutrition and the benefits of healthy eating.

Helps your family eat together

If you do not meal plan, you will more likely want to make prepare a quick meal for the kids and another dish later for mum and dad. However, if you carefully plan what to eat earlier, your family is more likely to eat together. With research revealing several fabulous benefits of eating together as a family [1], this should be enough reason to encourage you to start planning your meals.

Gets the kids involved

While planning meals, sit down with every member of the family to choose what dishes you would eat for the next week or more. This allows, kids to get involved in meal planning, reducing the amount of thinking you need to do and ensuring that their favourites are included in the menu. This way, you reduce the chances of someone complaining when you are cooking or when the meal is served.

Try Real Plans app with the option to add 100’s of recipes from your favourite GF blogger
Try Real Plans app with the option to add 100’s of recipes from your favourite GF blogger

Features of “Real Plans”

Want to make meal plans easy, Real Plans is for you. The features of this app makes it stands out from other diet planning apps. Real Plans allows you to be flexible with diet planning and comes with loads of foolproof recipes. In addition to allowing you plan, the app helps you know what items to include in your shopping list and above all, provides a detailed timeline for every meal you are planning. This way, you would know when to start cooking so you can finish in time for lunch or dinner. Interestingly, Real Plans, allows you to easily change a recipe and amazingly, your shopping list and cooking timeline alter to accommodate the change(s). For Keto, GAPS, Paleo eaters and those with restrictive diets, this app makes it very easy to eat according to their diet. For example, the app enables you to remove whole categories of diets and provides options to remove certain. Immediately, you have a comprehensive, customised weeklong or fortnight meal plan.

Keto Diet
Gluten Free Diet
Paleo Diet
Classic Healthy Diet
Vegetarian Diet
Whole30 Diet
Dairy Free Diet

With over 1600 original tried and tested recipes, you are sure to find something that suits you no matter your dietary restrictions or food choices. Another feature of Real Plan that you won’t find in similar apps is its ability to enable you search for recipes. This comprehensive search not only allows you search ingredients needed for the recipe but also search by season, cost, time needed to cook, prep time, size of meal as well as cuisine. Another amazing feature of the Real Plan app is its ability to allow you import recipes from various sites onto the app.

How to Get Started?

Happy with what you have read so far? It’s time to sign up for the Real Plan app. All you need do is sign up for a 14 day free trial and if you are happy to continue, pay USD14 a month to enjoy all these amazing features. It’s that simple!

Why I Recommend “Real Plans”?

Well, who won’t? For busy moms, this meal plan app is perfect for planning meals a week or two ahead. It is also perfect for kids meal planning and can be used for those who are picky or on a restrictive diet. Put simply, for the first time ever, you now have a comprehensive and extremely powerful meal-planning app makes the process of making meals streamlined and stress free.

Want to start making meal planning easy?

Click to Try Real Plans to Save Money & Time


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Burgess-Champoux T, Larson N, Neumark-Sztainer D, Hannan P. Are family meal patterns associated with overall diet quality during the transition from early to middle adolescence? J Nutr Educ Behav. 2009;41(2):79–86