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Have you felt like your mental and emotional well-being isn’t at its peak lately? Perhaps, the answer lies in your chakras. When your chakras are imbalanced, you may start to feel negative emotions like anxiety or physical symptoms like gut problems. Though science has yet to recognize their impact, you can find fundamental knowledge within ancient yoga texts.

Even though an imbalance in your energies can cause several disruptions in your ordinary life, the good news is there are ways to improve it. Several people rely on crystals, yoga, and meditation to bring healing to their chakras. However, you may not always have access to crystals or an ideal environment to meditate peacefully. The most accessible way to balance them is by utilizing chakra affirmations.

What Are Chakras And Their Affirmations?

Chakras are all individually connected to an organ or gland in the body. You can gain a deep insight into your emotional and spiritual being by understanding how chakras are linked to your body. It can also teach you how certain stressful situations can cause your energy to be disrupted, causing mental and physical unease.

Several teachings have determined that there are seven chakras that resonate at varying vibrational frequencies and with different colors.

Chakra affirmations are positive statements that can balance these seven chakras. It is a way of convincing yourself to embrace the positivity you are trying to inject into your body. In numerous cases, it is known to rewire the brain and shift the paradigm.

Here are some positive affirmations to restore balance to your chakras.

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The root chakra is the foundation for other chakras as it resides on the base of your spine and caters to your basic instincts and needs. It is associated with the earth element, resulting in grounded energy. Hence, when your root chakra is perfectly balanced, you will feel grounded, stable, and safe. You will be able to develop greater trust and have a sense of security.

When this chakra is imbalanced, you will likely project vulnerability and fear. It can be felt by experiencing a lack of safety and or like no one is worthy of your trust. Physical symptoms like colon pain and menstrual cramps may be visible in this phase. You can remind yourself of these affirmations during such times of need.

  • I am safe, strong, and steady
  • I feel at home in my body
  • I am financially secure
  • I am free of anxiety and fear
  1. Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)

The sacral chakra caters to our creativity, passion, and pleasures. It is connected to our emotions and intimacy. This chakra’s qualities are similar to those of the water element, and it resides just below the navel. A person with a balanced sacral chakra can freely regulate their emotions and experience joy.

However, an imbalance would mean that your negativity prevents you from processing positive feelings like happiness and pleasure. You may have a creativity blockage, and situations might trigger emotional instability that could give rise to other problems. Specific affirmations can combat this negative energy and restore your chakra.

  • I am worthy of happiness
  • I have a right to feel joy and pleasure
  • I have deep respect for my body
  • I am creative and passionate
  1. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The solar plexus chakra resonates with personal growth, internal power, and self-belief. Its fiery energy is linked to the fire element and exists in the upper abdomen. A healthy solar plexus chakra can be the source of your worldly success as it gives you a consistent push to keep moving forward. Furthermore, it can elevate your courage, determination, and self-esteem.

A solar plexus chakra with significant imbalance can spark fear about taking risks in life. Your inner fire will feel weakened as you witness the decline of your confidence, resulting in resentment for others’ success and overwhelming anxiety. These chakras can help battle it.

  • I am strong
  • I have control of my life
  • I can achieve anything
  • I release all self-limitations
  1. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The heart chakra is the focal point of our emotions and is present in the chest over the heart. It governs emotions like love, understanding, and compassion. A healthy heart chakra encourages you to be empathetic and welcoming of people. You may contain more wisdom and friendliness.

An unbalanced heart chakra can lead to loneliness and isolation. You may feel negative emotions like jealousy due to fear of rejection or excessive clinginess. You might be unable to release grudges or experience gratitude.

  • I let go of my resentment
  • I feel compassion and empathy
  • I am worthy of love
  • I have unconditional love for everyone
  1. Throat Chakra (Vishuddi)

The throat chakra resembles the ether element and resides in the throat. It is a communication center helping people express themselves by voicing personal opinions and perceptions. A balanced chakra displays a healthy balance between listening and speaking.

A throat chakra with an unhealthy balance can cause confusion and embarrassment at the thought of expressing your ideas. You might feel like you’re not being heard and may not be fully accepting of others’ opinions as well. These chakras can benefit this situation.

  • My voice matters
  • I can express myself clearly
  • I listen to people with understanding
  • I easily express my needs
  1. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

This chakra is located in the middle of the forehead. It controls our truth, intuition, and clarity. It can also help you feel more connected to the spiritual world and spot omens that can provide profound, insightful guidance.

A closed third eye chakra entails struggling to maintain this connection to the divine. Hence, you can feel lost and have less concentration due to a lack of perspective and priorities. You can remind yourself of these affirmations in that situation.

  • I have peaceful thoughts
  • I welcome divine faith
  • I always seek the truth
  • I trust my intuition
  1. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The crown chakra exists at the top of the head and is linked to spiritual enlightenment and connection. A balanced crown chakra can promote a strong relationship with all beings, opening the gateway to profound wisdom.

When unbalanced, you may experience a tremendous spiritual crisis and detachment from reality. You might feel shut off regarding new perspectives and beliefs. Specific affirmations can restore the natural order.

  • I feel connected to my spirit
  • I welcome faith
  • I live my life with purpose
  • I am connected to the divine


The seven chakras hold great importance in our daily lives, including having strong emotional connections or being spiritually awakened. Restoring balance to unbalanced chakras is deeply significant to prevent disruptions in our mental and physical energy. These affirmations can inject reinforcement of positivity and ensure every chakra exists harmoniously.


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