In this article we’ll explore the benefits of lava rocks and share with you some ways to use them in your daily life.

The question is not if you need or want to buy or make your own lava rocks but if they are for you and what benefits they provide. So if you’re wondering what the benefits of lava rocks are you’ve come to the right place.

So without further ado, let’s just get straight into it, shall we?

First things first, what are lava rocks?

Lava rocks are made from smooth, basaltic volcanic rock that has been heated to a temperature of more than 2,000 Celsius.

In a volcano or other hot spot on Earth, the heat causes the rock to be pliable yet hard enough to stay together in pieces.

It is said that lava rocks can be heated to such high temperatures because it contains either no or very few pores, making it less likely for water to boil inside and escape.

But why does this matter? Well, this is because if there are no pores, the rocks will not crack when exposed to high temperatures.

Lava rock benefits: what they can do for you

At first sight, lava rocks might look like ordinary stones of no use.

The truth is that lava rocks can be very useful and we’ll explain why below.

So why do you need lava rocks? Well, lava rocks are incredibly useful for grounding your energy.

By using lava rocks, you’ll be able to ground your energy by putting them on the root chakras of your body (i.e., the solar plexus, the sacral plexus and the roots).

This can be done while meditating or during any type of prayer and meditation experience.

Why should you use lava rocks? Well, it’s a matter of knowing which chakras are where on your body and how to use them.

Do lava stones really work?

In a lab test, dried lava rocks were heated to 2,626 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours.

This was enough to release the magnetite in the lava rock. But why would you want to use rocks with magnetic properties?

Well, magnetite is a naturally occurring magnet with amazing properties and one of them is magnetic healing.

Being a magnet, lava rocks are able to repel sickness from the body of anyone who uses them for healing purposes.

This is done by wearing a lava rock bracelet or placing a lava rock under each of the chakras until they’re all on top. Lava rock bracelets are also said to be incredibly beautiful, and if they’re done right, they can be quite appealing as well.

Then, you’re supposed to take off the lava rocks one by one and put them in a special bag that can be used for grounding or chakra healing later on.

So if you’re interested in chakra healing techniques then lava rocks can be very helpful.

How to care for your lava rocks

If you want your lava rocks to last long and keep their magnetic powers, then there are certain maintenance procedures that you should consider undertaking.

For example, you should store them in a dark place without heat fluctuations.

You should also cleanse them energetically so that they do not accumulate negative energy from the people around you or energetic imprints from previous users.

Then you should put them in a bowl or container with water and let them rest for a couple of days.

After this, you can cleanse your lava rocks again to remove any traces of negative energy that might be left over from previous users.

How can you tell if a lava stone is real?

Well, if you want to buy your own lava rocks then you’d probably like to know how to tell if they’re real and not cheap imitations.

There are a few ways that will help you determine whether the stones are the real deal.

First of all, the color of real lava rocks will not fade even when exposed to long periods of light and heat.

Lava rocks are also supposed to be very smooth.

If you’re looking to buy lava rocks it’s a good idea to look for those that are naturally smooth.

This is because they will not have any cracks or lines and are less likely to break or damage when they’re being used for spiritual purposes.

A real lava rock should also have a strong magnetic pull.

When you pick up the rocks by their edges there should be a definite attraction between them and your fingers.

Final Thoughts

Lava rocks are not only a great way to ground your energy.

They can also help you repel illness and sickness. This is because they have magnetic properties that can heal the body and bring negative energy out of it.

In addition, fake lava rocks tend to fade when exposed to light and heat. But real lava rocks are more durable than regular rocks. They’re also less likely to break because of their smoothness.




Author Tamara

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