Knitting, writing and diamond painting, as well as other crafts and hobbies, are great for your mental health. In addition to boosting your general mood, experts agree that crafting eases stress and helps those who suffer from depression and anxiety. One study even found that people who engage in arts and crafts, including music, drawing, embroidery, writing and more, feel more satisfied with their daily lives and experience significantly lower levels of mental stress. Participating in such leisure activities can lower cortisol levels and blood pressure, resulting in improved physical health.

Crafting provides an outlet for your emotions and allows you to express yourself. Some projects, like diamond painting, may lead you into a calm, meditative state; thus, increasing your ability to manage emotions and focus. If you want to give arts and crafts a try, as a means of boosting your well being, there are countless options to choose from. Keep reading to learn more about just a few of the many crafts and hobbies that benefit your mental health.

1. Diamond Painting


Source: nissia/

Diamond painting is an excellent option to check out if you are looking for a craft that’s easy to master, great for your mental health, and allows you to create breathtaking works of art with no special skills or experience. This craft involves creating mosaic art using diamond-like, resin beads called “drills.” Featuring multiple facets, each drill shimmers in the light. And when hundreds of these are combined, the resulting artwork is nothing short of spectacular.

Diamond painting is similar to hobbies like cross-stitch and painting by numbers. Only, instead of using thread or paint to create an image, you place sparkly drills in specific places on the canvas. Anyone can learn how to paint with diamonds and complete their first project with ease — even if they struggle with painting or drawing. Diamond painting for beginners is very rewarding because there is no learning curve. Anyone can enjoy the satisfaction of making beautiful art with this hobby.

If you are interested in taking up this new craft, look for kits from trusted brands. Not all diamond painting kits are created equal, so it’s crucial to find the right one. Look for sets that come with resin diamonds and canvases featuring poured glue. Also, make sure the one you choose includes a drill placer tool and wax. When it comes to ensuring that the project is enjoyable, and turns out as you hope it will, it’s well worth spending a bit extra to buy your diamond art kit from a trusted brand.

2. Knitting

Another hobby that offers a plethora of mental health benefits, is knitting. It has a calming effect on the mind and body and has been proven to help with anxiety. In fact, there is a strong link between knitting and feelings of happiness and peace. Many needleworkers also enjoy the social nature of knitting. Instead of crafting at home alone, consider joining a local fiber crafts group or even an online community of fellow knitters.

Knitting is a highly beneficial, creative outlet for many folks because it allows them to escape from their thoughts and do something with their hands. It’s hard to focus on the stressful day you had at work when you are counting stitches!

3. Pottery


Source: Stanslavs/

Pottery is increasingly being recognized for its ability to help lift depression by easing stress and boosting one’s mood. And, because learning how to make pottery takes time and patience, it can improve focus and give you a positive goal to work toward. Mastering the art of pottery leads to a sense of accomplishment that can improve your overall feelings of self-worth.

For some folks, pottery provides an outlet for grief and other challenging emotions, too. Working with clay puts your mind and body in sync and can help you enter a calm, meditative state. If you are looking for a hobby that is good for both your mind and your body, pottery could be an excellent choice.

4. Writing

Writing is a powerful tool for self-expression, and it is a hobby that does not require any specialized supplies. All you need is a pencil, a set of high-quality custom Cross pens and a notebook, or a computer with word processing software. Whether you journal as a means of expressing your sentiments, ideas, and opinions, or set out to write a novel or short story to share with others, the act of writing is good for your mental health.

Writing daily can improve mindfulness and boost your emotional intelligence. Doing so also provides an outlet for all of the feelings, thoughts, and emotions that may be filling your head. Keep in mind that you don’t need to be a grammar expert to start writing. There’s always time for editing later if you plan to share your work with others.

5. Quilting



Quilting is a challenging craft that requires focus and the mastery of certain skills. This keeps your brain active while allowing you to experience the sense of accomplishment that comes from learning something new. Plus, the repetitive nature of quilting enables you to enter a meditative state of mind where stress and anxiety simply slip away. Losing yourself in the process encourages positive feelings and emotions that last long after your crafting session.

If you are looking for something more social, you can check online or at craft stores for opportunities to take part in get togethers called “quilting bees”. This hobby tends to feel especially rewarding because completed quilts are often regarded as works of art and kept as family heirlooms. It’s hard not to feel pretty great about that!

6. Gardening

Gardening is a great leisure activity that can help you get in touch with nature. Stepping into the warm sun and breathing the fresh air with the help of your well-tended plants can surely benefit your mental health. In fact, gardening has been linked to lower cortisol levels. Experts define gardening tasks as moderate-to-high physical activities, so this hobby can count as exercise too.  Gardening also fosters creativity. You can explore a variety of flowers, vegetables, and the like while planning the best garden layout where your selected plants will thrive. You can try growing kits if you’re just starting out and prefer to take baby steps. Whether it be herbs or mushroom growing kits, this quirky beginner-friendly pastime is a simple and fun gateway to gardening.

7. Flower Arrangement

From improving mood to enhancing one’s happiness levels to reducing stress and anxiety, floral arrangements have been shown to have a myriad of positive effects on a recipient’s mental well-being. But it doesn’t stop there. If you take a look at some vibrant Tulips bouquet options online, it’s easy to tell that the act of creating the arrangement can itself have similar effects to its maker.

Besides tulips, flowers like jasmine, geraniums, roses, and lavender are well known for their ability to promote positive emotions through their gorgeous colors, amazing petal patterns, and captivating fragrances. Making flower arrangements as a hobby can go a long way in promoting creativity and providing an outlet for emotions.


Engaging in crafts and hobbies provides measurable health benefits for both your mind and body. While doing so isn’t a substitute for seeking professional help for severe mental health issues, it is an excellent way to overcome day-to-day stress and experience an enhanced sense of self-worth. Whether you opt to take up a simple craft, like diamond art painting, or decide to pick up a much more complex artform, like quilting, you will likely start feeling the benefits right away. Get started today to discover the incredible impact crafts and hobbies can have on your life and mental well being.



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