In a time where every food is already refined, alter, and stripped off of any nutrients to improve shelf-life, taste, and overall quality, it’s not surprising that the number of whole and healthy foods are declining or are becoming more expensive nowadays. This leads to us having an unhealthy gut because of poor or the lack of healthier options.

In a study conducted about the food that we eat, it was stated that food is made from a lot of nutrients, but it comes with multiple useless substances as well that has no nutritional value (1). Thus, as supported by Mr. Kwadwo Adofo, a research scientist at Crop Research Institute in Kumasi, we should be careful with what foods we’re going to eat as some of these may be detrimental to our health (2).

Luckily, there are still a number of natural and effective ways of improving our health, especially our gut. For instance, taking Diatomaceous Earth or DE is becoming popular these days and is said to be excellent keeping our stomach free from bad bacteria, infections, and the like. For those who are interested, here’s what you need to know about DE.

What is Diatomaceous Earth (DE)?

Basically, DE is a natural substance taken from the fossilized remains of diatoms, an aquatic organism (3). Because diatoms are made of light shells, they crumble right away. These shell walls’ composition is called biogenic silica.

DE is not as common as any other health supplements or medication. However, you’ve probably taken this from different products, and you’re not even aware of it. Yes, DE can be found in a lot of products. This includes pressurized liquids, powders, dust, garden products, and even pet and human foods (4).

In most cases, DE comes in a white powder form. It is essential that you buy the Food Grade DE powder. DE can also be used to filter water, produce foods, and make farming and skin products. This is added in order to remove any free radicals, insects, parasites, viruses, and the like. This process of killing such harmful substances and bacteria is done by binding and then drying them out to die.  

How DE can Improve Gut Health

As stated above, Diatomaceous Earth health benefits are many. It does not only help the body use calcium effectively, enhance bone materialization, protect joints and overall bones, and fight aging, but it also helps take care of our stomachs.

While there are numerous DE benefits, let’s focus on its benefits on the gut. DE has 4 ways wherein it can benefit the gut. This is through detoxification, parasite removal, waste elimination, and gas or bloating elimination (5).

  • Detoxification

DE is a simpler and easier detox method compared to other expensive alternatives. Because silica, a substance found in DE, works like anti-oxidants, it removes free radicals in the body. In this way, you’ll be able to detoxify your blood, gastrointestinal tract, and the like. It also helps remove any heavy metals and parasites in the body in a safe manner. In exchange, DE will enrich your body with minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

  • Parasite Removal

Because of global warming, as what some people suggest, parasites are becoming more and more common in the western part of the world. This means that intestinal worms and parasites like Dientamoeba Fragilis and Blastocystis Hominis often enter our bodies. While there is a front line treatment of antibiotics, not all of these worms and parasites can be treated. Because of this, many of us develop Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other stomach illnesses.

Hard antibiotics and other drugs can be given, which are effective. However, these medications can also kill the good bacteria in our GI tracts. So, to prevent killing these good bacteria, you can take DE. It only attracts and kills the bad ones and retain the good bacteria in the GI tract.

  • Waste Elimination

If you’re always constipated, DE can also help you eliminate waste effectively while still keeping you hydrated. Plus, it relieves any constipation pain and stomach aches, a great and healthier alternative medication.

  • Gas or Bloating Elimination

Being gassy and bloated is also another indicator that your tummy needs attention. There are a number of reasons why this occurs. Regardless of the causes, if it does not need any immediate medical attention, you can always depend on DE to kill bad bacteria that make you gassy and bloated.

In addition, DE even helps curb sugar and carb cravings, which promotes bloating and gas. In this way, when taken religiously, you can even lose weight when you pair DE with a healthier diet.

DE for Detoxification

As mentioned above, DE is an excellent way to detoxify your body. It’s has been proven that taking this will not only benefit your joints, bones, and blood but also your gut. If you’re into detoxification, you can give DE a try.

Using DE for detoxification is simple. Because it’s already in powder form, you can just simply mix a teaspoon of it with 8 oz. water (6). If you want to add flavor, you can mix the powder in your preferred smoothie or juice. Incorporate this in your daily routine, and you’ll surely see a difference.

How DE Works to Heal the Gut – Eliminate Dysbiosis, Candida Overgrowth, Remove Heavy Metals

DE is deemed as safe, healthy, and effective when you want to take care of your gut. This is especially effective for people who are experiencing dysbiosis, SIBO, and candida overgrowth (7). The white powder, which is mostly made up of 80 to 90% silica, when introduced in the body, is already enough to kill parasites, insects, bad bacteria, and remove heavy metals and free radicals. The process starts by dehydrating the bad substance or organism separately and then drying them out.

Possible Side Effects

Research behind DE’s side effects and safety is still minimal, but there are already known cases wherein this is observed. These are some of the most known side effects of DE:

  • Lung problems (8)
  • Nose and skin irritation
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Skin rashes or wounds
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Asthma
  • Pregnancy issues (DE is discouraged to be taken when you’re pregnant)

Use of DE in Children

Because of its potential to cause irritation and other side effects, it’s best that children and babies should be exposed to DE minimally. After all, children and babies are much more sensitive. However DE can be used for children to combat wormsand parasites. When used on children, bear in mind that height is a better indicator of the size of their G.I. tracts than their weights. Thus, a child who is 4 feet tall should take 2 teaspoons, and a child who is 2 feet tall should take 1 teaspoon. Plus,ensure they drink lots of water when taking DE. Also, always consult your doctors first when treating your children with DE (9).

DE, when used considerately can be beneficial in a lot of aspects. Not only is DE effective when incorporated in commercial and industrial products, but it can now also be taken as a form of body detoxification agent; this is why people love DE as it has a lot of uses and benefits (10). However, before using DE, do your research first and see if you don’t have any allergies or sensitivities as a form of caution. When paired with a healthy lifestyle and diet, DE can be really advantageous for you.

Recommended Supplements

If you are struggling with food intolerances, allergies, SIBO or other digestive problems, there are products that can help with symptom relief. I know it can be frustrating but there are treatment protocols and supplements which can really help.

I have designed this product guide to equip you with the best and most effective supplements you can buy for treatment as well as symptom relief. This list has been compiled through my own experience as well as working together with trusted and experienced practitioners.

You can check out my recommended supplement guide here. 



Sources for this Article Include:

  1. National Research Council (US) Committee on Diet and Health. Diet and Health: Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk. 1989; Bookshelf ID: NBK235023
  2. Be careful of what you eat, Graphic Online. Link here.
  3. Diatomaceous Earth, Link here.
  4. 6 Proven Diatomaceous Earth Uses and Benefits, Dr. Axe. Link here.
  5. 4 Ways Diatomaceous Earth Can Help Improve Gut Heatlh, biome. Link here.
  6. 20 Uses For Diatomaceous Earth, mommypotamus. Link here.
  7. Howard F. Jenkinson and L. Julia Douglas. Polymicrobial Diseases. 2002; Bookshelf ID: NBK2486
  8. International Agency for Research on Cancer. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, No. 68, Silican, Some Silicates, Coal Dust, and Para-Aramid Fibrils. 1997; Bookshelf ID: NBK4100447
  9. Fighting the Family Worm Disaster with Diatomaceous Earth, Supercharge Your Life. Link here.
  10. Diatomaceous Earth (Benefits, Uses, and Safety Precautions,) Pest Strategies. Link here.


Author Tamara


  1. Thanks for well researched article.
    where can I get a DE to buy in ghana