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Have you ever left a restaurant wondering how they made that salad taste so darn good? Let’s face it; when it comes to the culinary experience, salads hardly take the spotlight. They’re usually just leafy old greens, used as a side for your main dish.

But when the right one hits, it’s almost a life-changing experience.

If you’ve had one of these experiences, odds are, you might’ve tried recreating it at home, but when you did, you failed miserably. Instead of the crunchy, beautiful bowl rich with flavor, you end up with a soggy, boring mess of greens.

So, what are you doing wrong?

There’s a lot to learn, from choosing the right ingredients to adding colors and textures. So, if you want to make the best salad of your life, read on to find out how.

1. Make Your Own Dressing

Sure, buying dressings from your local superstore is quick and easy, but that’s not what we want to do – right? For starters, you’ll have to experiment and create a unique flavor that works for you.

For example, if you want a creamy salad, you could try making an avocado dressing, topping it off with cilantro and lime. Add some chicken to this tangy, creamy dressing, and your salad will surely taste great.

Here’s a tip; for a light and refreshing summer meal, try pairing your avocado tuna salad with a side of fresh greens.

2. Use Fresh and Seasonal Ingredients

When it comes to salad making, you must use fresh fruits and vegetables instead of frozen or canned ones. To make life easier, pick ingredients that are in season instead of those that are off.

When you use the best, crispiest, crunchiest, brightest, and juiciest fruits and vegetables, your salad will be full of flavor. Moreover, by using fresh ingredients, you’ll be getting the most health benefits out of it.

3. A Leafy Green Base

Who said leafy greens need to be boring? When you’re making the salad, using a leafy green base can make or break your dish. The key is to think beyond the most basic greens: lettuce.

There are a variety of nutritious leafy greens to choose from. For instance, you could swap your typical ice burg lettuce for spinach, arugula, or even kale.

These leafy greens provide a satisfying crunch and are also high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants – and you can show off all your creativity by mixing and matching them.

Once the base is decided, you can add your choice of dressings, baked veggies, and proteins to transform the salad into a full-blown meal.

4. Remember To Wash

Before adding the green goodies to your salad bowl, consider how clean they are. Did you just run them under the tap for a few seconds, or did you use them without washing?

This step may often get overlooked, but if you don’t want that unwanted crunch of debris in your bite to ruin the dish, you better clean it right.

The best way to go about it is using the gentle bath method. Put your leafy greens into a bowl of cool water and swish them around, forcing all the gunk and junk out of them. If done carefully you can prevent waterlogging or bruising of the delicate leaves. Once they look clean, remember to pat them dry with a fresh towel and pop them in the spinner to expel any excess moisture. This method ensures you get a crispy and clean bite.

5. Seasoning and Balancing

People often underestimate the power of a well-seasoned salad. Just like any food you prepare; a salad needs to be seasoned to bring out the best flavors from within. The most basic thing you can do is add a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of pepper to your bowl, which can enhance the overall taste.

But why stop there? Play around with the balance of acidic, savory, sweet, and salty elements. For sweetness, you can dash in a handful of fresh berries or a finely sliced apple. If you prefer a tangier flavor, top it up with some feta cheese. This touch will give your homemade salad that upscale restaurant feel.

6. Choose Toppings Wisely

Toppings and additions in your salad can bring it to the next level, but you need to be careful with what you put in. You might be tempted to toss in whatever you’ve got in the fridge, but now is the time to think outside the box.

For example, you might be tempted to stick with croutons, which are great, but adding crunchy and roasted nuts and seeds can offer a satisfying texture that complements the rest of the components in your salad while giving it a unique flavor. If you’re looking to make a hearty salad, be generous with the protein. Grilled chicken or even shrimp can make for an interesting bite. Cheeses like goat cheese or parmesan give that extra kick that can enhance the flavors while providing a creamy touch.

7. Finishing Touches

If you really want that restaurant-quality, best-tasting salad, remember that presentation matters. It’s time to unleash the artist in you and add that dash of pizzazz to your creation. Some freshly chopped herbs like basil or mint can add a much-needed pop of color while also providing a mouthwatering aroma. You can also get creative and decorate your dish with edible flowers and some of your favorite seeds, like sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, or even pepitas.

When you’re ready to place your dressing, be a little careful. The last thing you want is for your salad to drown. Instead of going overboard, drizzle it lightly and toss. And dress it only right before you plan on eating it, otherwise, everything will get all soggy and you won’t be able to enjoy its true potential. Remember, a little goes a long way.


To sum it up, making the best salad of your life can easily be achieved with some tweaks and attention to detail. Instead of eating the boring old greenish-brownish salad for lunch every day as an obligation, get ready to level up. By following the tips above, you’ll end up with a go-to salad that’ll blow your mind and leave you wanting more with every bite.

With more and more people following these tips, the salad experience is transforming from a mundane, lifeless one, to a vibrant and celebrated one. So, the next time you’re faced with a boring plate of veggies, remember that you’ve got the power to turn it into something extraordinary.


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